Visiting us for the first time?
Abiding Peace Lutheran Church is a congregation rooted and built up in the gospel. We’re excited to welcome you as we join in this blessed privilege of worshiping our Savior - Jesus Christ. Here’s what you can expect at our services.
What to Expect
Check out one our our current worship services here!
We have two locations, and encourage you to join us at the location nearest you. Wer’re excited to welcome you!
401 Batesville Rd
Simpsonville, SC 29681
Sunday, 8:15am and 10:30am (Bible Study at 9:30)Easley
101 NE Main Street
Easley, SC 29640
Sunday, 9:30am (Bible Study at 10:30) -
Abiding Peace follows a liturgical order of service. Using the liturgy keeps God’s Word at the center of the service. It also connects us to the historical church, using worship elements that Christians have been using for thousands of years.
The service includes Bible readings, prayer, hymns of praise, a children’s message and a sermon.
We know visiting a new church can bring up questions, like what to wear! At Abiding Peace, there’s no set dress code—just come as you feel comfortable. You’ll see everything from jeans and running shoes to suits and heels. When we dress out of love for God, whether casual or formal, it’s all welcome here.
Visitors often wonder about offerings: when they’re collected, how much to give, and whether they’re expected to contribute. The Bible teaches that offerings are a way to honor God, recognizing all we have as His gift. At Abiding Peace, members bring offerings as an expression of love, with no mandated amount or obligation. An offering plate is placed in the back of church to drop off an offering, with envelopes available for privacy. Children may give small coins, and others may write checks—both are valued gifts. Visitors, please don’t feel obligated to give; participate as you want with a heart of thanks.
Frequent Questions
We assure you, we won’t embarrass you in this or any other way. We want you to feel comfortable and at home with us. Church is about worshipping God, not singling out individuals. Our service does have plenty of opportunities for participation, but you are not required to, of course.
We love families! Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me.” Children are “children”; if they become restless feel free to take your child out to the narthex or the fellowship hall to let out some energy.
We hope this information will ease some of your concerns, but if you have a question, please ask the usher or person in the pew next to you for help. Don’t hesitate to say, “I am new. What is this about?” We are a growing congregation, and many of our members are also new.
We understand that nobody likes to feel pressured. At Abiding Peace, we believe church membership should be a personal choice, and that trusting in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation is what matters most. We know this is a journey that takes time, and we want to give everyone space to reflect and decide if deeper involvement feels right. We’re here to support you every step of the way!
Our Bible Information Class and Sunday Bible Class are great ways to dig into God’s Word and have a conversation about it. No pressure to answer questions—just come, listen, and enjoy the experience. We think you’ll be glad you did! You are always welcome to talk with one of our pastors too!
We’d be happy to connect with you before your visit, if you have any further questions on what to expect. You can call us at (864) 288-4867 or feel free to email our church office at: office@abidingpeacelutheran.org
A Note from Our Pastor:
“I pray that this has helped answer some of your questions and alleviate many of your fears. Our congregation’s goals are quite simple: we want to grow in our faith and share that faith with people like you. Everything we do is meant to accomplish these two goals. I pray that there is nothing that stands in your way from learning more about your Savior.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do for you. God’s blessings to you, and I look forward to seeing you in worship, or feel free to stop in anytime here at church.”
Pastor Duane Rodewald