AP E-News

Good morning and greetings from Abiding Peace,

This weekend is the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany and we have been blessed each week as God has revealed ("epiphany") to us through his Word the various aspects of his love.  Join us Sunday for a final revelation before we begin the journey with Jesus to the Mt. of Transfiguration and then into the season of Lent, leading to the cross and empty tomb.

Serving Sunday (Thank you!):

AP Five Forks

Greeters: Lyss (E), J. Streblow (L)                                        

Acolyte: G. Hunter (E), O. Edwards (L)

Ushers: Broas, M. Streblow (E), Lindow, S. Streblow (L)             

Childcare (10:30 a.m.): K. Rodewald, E. Gomich             

Flowers: Sparks

Altar Guild: Stephen (E), Splese (L)                                    

Snacks: ______

Keyboard: Doug Rall                                      

AP Easley

Usher, Greet, Clean, Snacks: Rich Martin

Keyboard: Jesse Hartzell

Prayer Notes:

- This morning Katie Swanson will have a C-section to deliver her baby.  We ask the Lord to protect her and the baby during the surgery and that he bless with the success the efforts of the medical team.  May he also give peace to Katie and Rob as they anticipate this new addition to their family.

Other Notes:

- The "chainsaw gang" meets Saturday, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at our Five Forks campus.  We need cutters, haulers, stackers, and chippers. There will be a bonfire for burning and warming.

- The Food Pantry extends thanks for all the toiletry donations.

- At the information table...

  • Sign up for the chili cookoff that will be March 1st at 5:30 p.m.  

  • Sign up for a Swamp Rabbit game on March 23rd at 3:00 p.m.

  • Sign up to sing in for Good Friday service(s) at Five Forks

  • Sign up for BIC that begins Sunday, March 2nd (11:35 a.m.) at Five Forks

  • Pick up a free Meditations devotion booklet.

  • Pick up a free Forward in Christ magazine.

  • Pick up some APA information to share with a neighbor.

- APT (Abiding Peace Teens) will set up the volleyball net at Five Forks for some action after church on Sunday, March 16th.  

- Dan Granberg announced last Sunday that he has declined the Call to Florida and will be continuing to serve here at Abiding Peace.

- Mark your calendars: Ash Wednesday is March 5th.

Those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries the week of March 23 - April 1 (to extend a greeting, if you wish):
"Happy Birthday" to: Eloise Edwards (23), Michele Gomich (23), Eric Leeds (24), Neyland Dotson (24), Michelle Braunschweig (25), Logan White (26), Nathan Knapp (28), and Lisa Grimstad (1).

"Happy Anniversary" to: Rich & Jean Martin (26).

That's all for this week.

God's blessing on your day.

- Pastor Duane


AP E-News