AP E-News
Good morning and greetings from Abiding Peace,
The season of Lent began last night with Ash Wednesday. Lent is the time of year when our Scripture readings and worship focus our hearts and minds on the redeeming work of Jesus as he willingly serves to make atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Our theme for the Sundays in Lent is: "Jesus, Refuge of the Weary." Come each week to hear more about how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection provides us with refuge and strength as we carry our cross and follow him.
Serving Sunday (Thank you!):
AP Five Forks
Greeters: Granberg (E), Tollison (L)
Acolyte: M. Hunter (E), M. Gomich (L)
Ushers: Hood, Schwall (E), A. Carroll, Culp (L)
Childcare (10:30 a.m.): J. Culp, L. Culp
Altar Guild: Frey (E), Carroll (L)
Snacks: Hood
Keyboard: Pam Pierson
AP Easley
Usher, greet, clean, snacks: Godwin
Keyboard: Michelle Hartzell
Prayer Notes:
- We continue our prayers for Robert Wetzel, following his surgery in his battle with cancer, and also Diane Stromberg who continues to struggle with breathing difficulties. May they find refuge and strength in Jesus.
- As we begin the season of Lent we pray that the message of Christ's sacrifice for sin and his victory over the grave would bring comfort and peace to many people, and that the Holy Spirit would use this message of salvation to create faith and bring more people into God's kingdom of believers.
Note: If you have a prayer request, please email it to me.
Other Notes:
- New Bible studies have begun at both locations. Make the season of Lent a time when you include this extra study to learn more about the saving work of Jesus.
- Bible Information Class meets Sunday at 11:35 am in the Fellowship Hall. Come and join the study/discussion.
- Sign up Sunday to donate (and then take home) Easter flowers.
- Take home a copy of the Meditations devotional and Forward in Christ magazine.
- Sign up Sunday to attend the Swamp Rabbit hockey game on March 23rd.
- Sign up Sunday to sing for Good Friday. We start rehearsing on March 23rd.
- There are several announcements for teens in our Sunday folder (camps, volleyball).
- 20s and 30s is planning an outing for March 15 (See Sunday's folder for details).
- There's still lots of free firewood on the AP Five Forks campus for you to help yourself.
Those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries the week of March 9 - 15 (to extend a greeting, if you wish):
"Happy Birthday" to: Luke Skory (11), Lynette Gorniak (13), and Summer Krupa (15).
"Happy Anniversary" to: None, according to our records
That's all for this week.
God's blessing on your day.
- Pastor Duane